Bones of Mannoroth

Bones of Mannoroth

This is an item that drops from the Siege of Orgrimmar raid boss. It is needed to buy heirlooms and the Tusks of Mannoroth transmog item. You can purchase Bones of Mannoroth boost from us to get these items quickly. You will get the desired amount of Bones of Mannoroth easily and effortlessly.

These Bones of Mannoroth items fall in different amounts depending on the difficulty of the raid. For example, if you complete a raid on normal difficulty, you will only get 1 piece of Bones of Mannoroth. But if you overcome all the difficulties and close the raid in mythic mode, you will get as much as 10 items. 

Start time: ~15 minutes | Boost takes: flexible
You will get
  1. Desired amount of Bones of Mannoroth.
  2. All the gold, experience and other items obtained during the runs.
Additional options
  • Claw of Eternus title — We will complete all raids on heroic difficulty.
  • level 70 timerunner character;
  • active Pandaria Remix event;
  • active WoW subscription.
How it Works
  1. Our customer service team will contact you within 7 minutes after you buy the Bones of Mannoroth boost.
  2. We will schedule the boost at the most convenient time for you.
  3. At the appointed time we will log into the game and obtain Bones of Mannoroth for you.
  4. That's it! Enjoy your Bones of Mannoroth!

Bones of Mannoroth: How to Get

So, we know that to get Bones of Mannoroth you need to complete Siege of Orgrimmar raid on different difficulties, depending on the number of items you want. Our team of professional players will get you the amount of Bones of Mannoroth you want without you having to waste a single minute of your time. The exact number of items that can be looted from Garrosh Hellscream is listed below.

Raid difficulty

Number of items dropped


1 item


4 items


10 items

That’s it! Enjoy your Bones of Mannoroth after we finish the boosting service. If you have any questions or want to add anything else to your order, feel free to reach out to us via the live chat here on the website, or Discord. We operate 24/7 and are ready to assist you. Make your WoW gameplay more fun and enjoyable with Boosthive today!

Bones of Mannoroth