Tailoring Profession Leveling


Tailoring boost is the fastest and most efficient way to level up the tailoring profession in Dragonflight. This is a crafting profession that not only allows you to create high-quality cloth armor and earn gold at the AH but also craft bags and other utility items. Buy tailoring boost for Dragonflight or any expansion and to get a 100% guaranteed result in the shortest time possible.

WoW Tailoring powerleveling rewards:

  1. Tailoring Skill leveled up in the chosen expansion.
  2. Recipes to craft common, rare, and epic cloth sets:
  3. Patterns to create bags with different slots (depending on expansion).
  4. Bandages that heal character in combat.

Boost takes: 1-6 days.

Please note: Dragonflight Tailoring boost might take a bit longer to complete because the resources might be limited on the AH or profession may be time-gated in any way.

Draenor and Legion Tailoring takes additional 1-2 days because there're special time-gated crafting reagents and profession questlines in these two expansions that take some time to complete.


  • 70 level;
  • access to the chosen expansion;
  • garrison unlocked for Draenor tailoring.

WoW Tailoring Boost Explained

Buying the tailoring profession leveling in Dragonflight or any other expansion will unlock lots of trading opportunities. With our professional tailoring carry you will not only increase your skill in this profession but also get some profitable recipes to start earning gold from them straight away.

Our boosters know the top, most efficient, and fast guides to level tailoring in WoW at the moment. This means that you will get your investment back in no time. From classic tailoring through all expansions right to the Dragonflight tailoring leveling service, our boosters will raise your skill as fast as possible. If you have any questions you can always get in touch with our boosting managers via the online support chat.
