Succession Boost

Buy Succession Kinetic Sniper Rifle to acquire the latest rendition of this iconic Destiny 2 weapon! A new iteration of Succession is included in the Brave Arsenal, with an updated perk pool and a brand new Origin trait. The process of obtaining Succession in Destiny 2 can be time-consuming due to the RNG nature of drops. Save yourself some time – simply buy Succession Boost and allow our professional players to take it from there!
Start time: 15 minutes | Boost takes: Flexible
The Succession boost includes:
- Multiple random rolls or a God Roll version of the gun.
- A chance at getting a Limited Edition version of the gun.
- All other items and materials obtained during the boost.
- EXP for the Battle Pass and the Artifact.
- Manual service completion.
This service has the following additional options:
- Live Stream — you will be able to watch service completion live.
- 1940+ Power Level;
- The weapon quest is completed.
How it Works
Want to buy Succession, but are unsure of the process? Don’t worry, as we have prepared a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process:
- Select your platform.
- Select the amount of guns needed.
- Select the God Roll if required
- Select additional options if needed.
- Proceed to check out, finalize your payment, and provide your character details.
- We will contact you in about 3 to 7 minutes to clarify the details and schedule the boost.
- If you have picked the option to have your order live-streamed, we will provide you with the link.
- Once we farm your desired amount of Succession copies we will get in touch with you again to notify you of the service completion.
- Enjoy your new Succession!
If you have any questions regarding the Succession god roll boost – don’t hesitate to shoot us a message via the live chat on the website or our Discord server. Our customer support teams are online 24/7 and are eager to help. Elevate your gaming experience with Boosthive today