Building 21 Weapon Cases

Building 21 Weapon Cases

CoD Building 21 weapon case boost is here to help players with getting some of the rarest rewards from the series' new game mode - DMZ. This mode allows players to enjoy the game in a more hardcore environment, while also offering rewards that are exclusive to it. Each DMZ map has its own set of rewards. Buy Building 21 weapon cases to avoid tedious grind and enjoy the game to its fullest potential.

All of the rewards in Building 21 weapon case boosting are unlocked consecutively and cannot be skipped. This means that in order to acquire all of the rewards from DMZ weapon cases, players have to obtain them a grand total of 6 times. Building 21 weapon case boosting in DMZ is the fastest and easiest way to obtain all of these prestigious rewards without stress.

Start time: 30-40 minutes / Boost takes: ~2h per case.

Building 21 weapon cases farm includes:

  1. Chosen number of weapon cases extracted from Building 21.
  2. Cosmetic rewards from each weapon case.
  3. Tons of experience.
  4. Armor, backpack, and a chance to get keys.

Important: If you wish to get a specific reward, purchase the number of Building 21 DMZ weapon case boosts accordingly. All of the rewards are unlocked consecutively. This means that, for example, if you have already secured 2 cases for yourself, and want the reward №5, then you will have to get 3 DMZ case carries.


  • Warzone 2.

Building 21 weapon cases for sale

Getting weapon cases on this map can prove to be gruesomely difficult, much like on every other map. Firstly, after the case appears on the map, players have to complete a chain of tasks, after which they would be able to steal the weapon case from the safe. However, they have to be mindful of the fact that it will alert every other squad in the game, as well as show the exact location of anyone who has the case on the map.

As soon as players obtain the weapon case they have to do their best to get to the extraction zone since literally every player in the lobby will start to hunt them down. If evacuation is successful they will receive rewards according to the total number of cases they’ve extracted. There are 6-7 rewards in total on every map.

Building 21 weapon case rewards

There are several rewards up for grabs in Building 21. We've provided a full list of all cosmetics that can be obtained from weapon cases on this specific map.

  1. Charm "Going Bark".
  2. Calling Card "Weapon Rover".
  3. Weapon Sticker "Roar".
  4. Emblem "Company Sniper".
  5. Vehicle Skin "Camo Cloud".
  6. Weapon Blueprint "Silver Tox".

If you have any questions about the Building 21 weapon case carry in CoD DMZ, or want to add something extra to your order - don’t hesitate to reach out! You can find us on Discord, online chat, or even Skype at any time. Our customer support service works 24/7, and is always ready to assist, even during the holidays.

Building 21 Weapon Cases