Pit of Heresy Boost

Pit of Heresy

Pit of Heresy boost is a product that delivers a single run through the Moons 3-ppl dungeon in D2 added in Season of Undying of the Shadowkeep expansion.

After buying the Pit of Heresy carry a skilled player or a fire team will help you complete the dungeon by doing Hive-related tasks, using Hive swords, defeating minibosses, and managing puzzles by interpreting symbols.

Pit of Heresy carry boosting includes:

  1. Fast completion of Pit of Heresy dungeon.
  2. Pinnacle rewards.
  3. A lot of legendary loot.
  4. Experience for your Season Pass and Artifact.

Boost takes: ~30 minutes.


  • 1600+ power level.
  • this boost is a recovery(piloted).

Note: to be able to join the Pit of Heresy dungeon you have to complete The Deepening Wake Quest. Please select that option if you didn't complete it.

D2 Pit of Heresy Boosting Service

Unlike other dungeons of D2 - Pit of Heresy has a pre-quest tied to it and without it you can't visit this iconic Hive dungeon. D2 The pit contains a lot of interesting rewards that cannot be obtained anywhere in the game and also is the only place where the Premonition Pulse Rifle can be earned.

The standard (by default) service is piloted but there is also a selfplay additional option where our fire team will play with you.

Solo Flawless Completion - Pit of Heresy runs without a single death but please NOTE that this service is possible only with account sharing. This game mode fulfills the "Savior of the Deep" Triumph requirement and awards the Shadowkeep banner.

Pit of Heresy