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WoW Classic Level Boost

Classic 20th Anniversary Leveling | 60 Level
Boost method
Execution options


You will get a full leveling of the chosen profession
Gear options


You will get you a set of gear depending on your choice
Additional options
Estimated time for boost: 22 days

Our WoW Classic level boost is a hassle-free way of reaching level 60 in this new era of vanilla World of Warcraft. Leveling in WoW Classic is a long process filled with adventure. But if you’re leveling an alt, or just looking to get to the endgame ASAP, this process becomes a boring slog very quickly. With the help of our WoW Classic leveling you let professional WoW players get your character to the desired level in the least amount of time possible. Thus you save time and effort, and get to the endgame without breaking a sweat. Let our pro players help you out — buy the WoW Anniversary Classic leveling at Boosthive today!

Start time: Flexible | Boost takes: up to 21 days
The service includes
  1. The desired level reached.
  2. All loot and gold acquired during the leveling process.
This service has following additional options available:
  • 30% Faster/50% Faster - your order will have higher priority, reducing the overall delivery time;
  • Pre-raid/BiS Gear - we will farm some great gear for your freshly dinged character;
  • Attunements - we will grant you easy acces to raids;
  • 60% mount/100% mount - we will purchase the desired speed ground mount;
  • Add a 300 skill level profession - we will learn and level to the max one main profession of your choosing. Up to two main professions can be chosen;
  • All flight paths - we will unlock all flight paths in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor for convenient travel;
  • Fishing and Cooking - we will learn and level both professions to 300;
  • First Aid - we will learn and level this profession to 300.

The WoW Classic Vanilla 1-60 leveling is piloted only and available in all regions and realms. However, make sure to take note of the requirements listed below.

  • Active WoW subscription.

WoW Classic Level Boost

The 20th Anniversary Classic servers are a fresh start for both veteran and new players. The leveling process of vanilla is notorious for its difficulty, but revered for its ability to generate memorable situations around every corner.

However, it is easy to see how both new and veteran players may want to skip the leveling process altogether. Questing is only interesting the first time around, mob grinding has never been fun and finding a group to run dungeons is a long and arduous process. Whether you’ve played before, want to try out a new class or just looking to get to the endgame as soon as possible —  our Classic Vanilla leveling service is a great way to save time and effort.

We employ the help of the best and most experienced WoW pros, who know all the ins and outs of leveling. They will deliver the desired result quickly and efficiently, without using any third party software, glitches or exploits. Buy the 20th Anniversary Classic 1-60 leveling and let them help you!

How To Level Up Fast in the WoW Classic?

Your main way to gain levels efficiently is questing. Quests provide good chunks of EXP and often imply killing mobs, which provide EXP themselves. You want to pick up multiple quests in the same area to maximize efficiency and not waste time on running from one area to another. Using addons like Questie can help identify overlapping quest areas and expedite the process as a whole. The main drawback is that it’s still classic questing, which is not particularly exciting in terms of story, and most quests are fetch and mob killing based.

Another way to reach level 60 is grinding. Grinding means focusing on killing tons of mobs in densely packed areas to get a lot of EXP relatively quickly. This method is very straightforward and does not require a ton of thought. This, however, is its main con. Grinding quickly becomes repetitive and boring, plus not all classes excel in this kind of gameplay.

By far the quickest and easiest way to reach max level is getting our Anniversary Classic level boost. Our pros will utilize the methods mentioned above and other great strategies to get your character to your desired level quickly.

How to Buy Classic 1-60 Level Boost

Want to buy the WoW Classic 1-60 leveling, but are unsure of the process? Don’t worry, as we have prepared a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process:

  1. Select your current and desired levels.
  2. Select additional options if needed.
  3. Proceed to check out and finalize your payment.
  4. Our manager will contact you in about 3 to 7 minutes to clarify the details and schedule the boost.
  5. You will be invited to a private Discord chat with a pro player and a manager.
  6. The pro player will log in to your account and begin the leveling process employing the best tactics to reach your desired level as soon as possible.
  7. Once the leveling is done, you can log into your account and enjoy the results!

If you have any questions regarding the WoW Classic leveling – do not hesitate to shoot us a message via the live-chat on the website or our Discord server. Our customer support teams are online 24/7 and are eager to help. Elevate your gaming experience with Boosthive today!