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Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren

Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren
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Buy Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren and let us obtain this mount for you from the Forgotten Vault. Our professional boosters will obtain five runekeys — Cyclonic, Whirling, Thunderous, Turbulent, and Torrential, which normally requires farming rare mobs and runekey parts. Why struggle with farming when you can get the results quickly and without hassle instead? Let professionals handle the grind, so you can enjoy the rewards stress-free and focus on other aspects of the game instead!

Start time: ~15 minutes | Boost takes: flexible
What You Will Get
  1. Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren mount.
  2. x5 Runekeys collected.
  3. Some Flame-Blessed Iron currency.
  4. Lots of side loot dropped from enemies.
  • active WoW subscription;
  • level 80 character.

Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren Mount for Sale

Get the Thrayir mount, also known as Stormcrow, without the hassle. Normally, this requires grinding Siren Isle during storms, battling special enemies, and dealing with restrictions on mounts, skills, and exotic pets.

Skip the grind and let our professional boosters handle everything for you. We'll secure the mount quickly and efficiently, saving you time and effort. Take advantage of this service and claim your Thrayir mount today!

How to Get Runekeys for Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren

This night-blue crow is obtained in a rather difficult and long way - constant farming on the new location Siren Isle only during storms, which appeared in WoW: The War Within.

In Storms, you have the opportunity to gather unique artifacts known as Runekeys by defeating foes. Runekeys are named according to the storm in which they were discovered; for example, a Torrential Runekey would be found in a Torrential Storm. Here is the full list of the Runekeys:

  • Torrential Runekey – has a chance of dropping from any NPC in the Special Assignment / Storm phase;
  • Turbulent Runekey – can be assembled from 3 unique Turbulent Fragments which are found in the Special Assignment / Storm phase;
  • Whirling Runekey – drops from the special NPC Ksvir the Forgotten inside the Forgotten Vault in the Special Assignment / Storm phase;
  • Cyclonic Runekey – drops from the special NPC Zek'ul the Shipbreaker in the Special Assignment / Storm phase;
  • Thunderous Runekey – can be assembled from 5 Thunderous Fragments which can be obtained from treasures and chests around the isle and also from Seafarer's Caches.

Go to the Siren Isle's Forgotten Tomb region when you acquire at least one Runekey of each kind. A slain Thrayir sits on an altar here, surrounded by a group of stones that all have the same symbols as the Runekeys you gathered. To unlock the mount, you must wait until another kind of Storm is active before interacting with any of these stones.

However, there’s a far easier way to obtain this mount! We offer Thrayir for sale so you can skip all of the aforementioned steps, leaving all this hassle to us. We will complete all these steps for you quickly, and notify you directly as soon as boost is finished.

How To Buy Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren

You can get Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren here at Boosthive quickly and without stress. Here is a short instruction to ensure that everything goes smoothly and reliably.

  1. Browse through the service and choose any additional options if needed.
  2. Proceed to checkout and finalize the payment.
  3. Our managers will contact you within 5-7 minutes to set up a convenient start time and answer any questions you may have.
  4. The booster will enable the VPN, log into your account, and start grinding Runekeys to get the mount;
  5. If you have any questions related to your order, you can contact our friendly support team that works around the clock;
  6. Enjoy your Thrayir mount!

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that Thrayir mount is a pretty desirable mount that is quite difficult and time-consuming to get. But don't worry, our professional boosters are always ready to help you with any gaming task. Buy Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren right now and get it in no time and completely safe!