Nightfall Skyreaver
Buy Nightfall Skyreaver and save yourself the time and effort needed to farm this epic flying mount from the Warlords of Draenor Timewalking event. Costing 5000 Timewarped Badges, this limited-time reward is available only during the event, making it a challenge for most players to obtain within the time limit.
Don’t have time to play during Warlords of Draenor Timewalking, but still want to obtain the mount? This is exactly where Boosthive comes to the rescue! We offer Nightfall Skyreaver for sale so you can skip the grind entirely as our professional players will farm the required badges efficiently, leaving you to enjoy your new mount stress-free!
Start time: ~15 minutes | Boost takes: ~1 day
What You Will Get
- Flying Mount: Nightfall Skyreaver.
- All gold and resources obtained during the service.
- A chance to acquire gear from Timewalking dungeons.
- Multiple Timewalking dungeon clears completed on your account.
- active World of Warcraft subscription;
- level 80;
- Warlords of Draenor Timewalking must be active.
Nightfall Skyreaver Mount for Sale
The Nightfall Skyreaver is available for purchase from the Timewalking vendor during the Warlords of Draenor Timewalking event. The vendor, Tempra (Alliance) or Kronnus (Horde), can be found in Warspear (Horde) and Stormshield (Alliance).
To obtain this mount, you’ll need 5000 Timewarped Badges, which are earned by participating in Timewalking activities, such as:
- completing Timewalking dungeons through the Dungeon Finder;
- finishing daily quests for bonus badges;
- participating in Timewalking raids, such as Blackrock Foundry;
- completing weekly event quests tied to Timewalking.
Farming this many badges can be a tedious and lengthy process, with each activity awarding only a limited number of badges. Buy Nightfall Skyreaver mount to save time and effort while still enjoying the rewards.
How to Buy Nightfall Skyreaver
Here we have prepared a step-by-step guide on how our Nightfall Skyreaver boost works:
- Ensure your character meets the requirements and proceed to checkout.
- After purchase, we’ll contact you within 3 to 7 minutes to confirm the details.
- Our team will begin farming Timewarped Badges on your account.
- Once we have enough badges on your account, Nightfall Skyreaver will be purchased and kept in your inventory.
- Enjoy your rewards!
If you have questions, need assistance, or simply want to add something extra to your order – our customer support team is available 24/7 via live chat or Discord. Say goodbye to grinding and add the Nightfall Skyreaver to your collection effortlessly with Boosthive!