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Love Witch's Sweeper

Love Witch's Sweeper
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Buy Love Witch's Sweeper to secure this rare and highly sought-after pink broom mount without the hassle of having to kill Apothecary Hummel every single day hoping for a drop. This stunning flying mount drops from a boss that can only be defeated once per day, and to top it off it drops with an incredibly low chance. This makes obtaining this mount a long and time-consuming process. Let our professional team take on the grind for you, maximizing your chances to add this exclusive broomstick to your collection while you enjoy other event-related activities.

Start time: ~15 minutes | Boost takes: flexible
What You Will Get
  1. Your desired number of Apothecary Hummel kills (performed daily).
  2. Chance to get a flying mount: Love Witch's Sweeper.
  3. All the loot, gold, achievements, and other rewards obtained during the boost.
  • level 80;
  • Love is in the Air event must be active;
  • active World of Warcraft subscription.

Love Witch's Sweeper For Sale

Love Witch's Sweeper mount is one of the rarest event mounts, making it a must-have for collectors. However, with its low drop rate and limited farming opportunities, it can be frustrating to obtain. Apothecary Hummel can only be killed once a day on each of your characters, and only during the Love is in the Air event, which makes the window of obtaining this mount extremely small.

We offer Love Witch's Sweeper for sale here at Boosthive so you can forget about having to log into the game every single day on each of your characters to get a chance to secure this drop. Let our experienced players handle the repetitive farming process for you instead! Whether you want a few extra chances or a full Love Witch's Sweeper mount farming session – we’ve got you covered.

How to Buy Love Witch's Sweeper

Want to buy Love Witch's Sweeper but are not sure about the exact process? Here we have prepared a short, step-by-step guide that will help you navigate through the purchase and the boosting process itself.

  1. Select all additional options you wish to receive during the Love Witch's Sweeper mount boost and proceed to checkout.
  2. We’ll contact you within minutes to confirm your details and schedule the service.
  3. Our team will kill Apothecary Hummel as many times as you need on all of your available characters, meaning that the more characters you have, the higher your chance of obtaining this mount will be.
  4. Once the boost is complete, the Love Witch's Sweeper mount will be added to your collection!
  5. Enjoy your new mount!

We offer Love Witch's Sweeper for sale so you can elevate your collection with this mount today. Contact us via live chat or Discord if you have questions or need help placing your order. Don’t miss the chance to own one of World of Warcraft's rarest mounts!