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Landro's Gift Box

Landro's Gift Box

Get your hands on some of the rarest items in World of Warcraft by simply buying Landro's Gift Box. With this box, you will have the chance to receive a range of collectors TCG items and consumables, including the possibility of unlocking coveted rare mounts such as the iconic Spectral Tiger.

These items are completely unobtainable via in-game means, and this is why we offer TCG Landro's Gift for sale here at Boosthive. Secure your chance to get exceptionally rare rewards, including exclusive mounts and pets with the help of our services!

Start time: ~15 minutes | Boost takes: ~15 minutes
WoW Landro's Gift Includes
  1. Landro’s Gift Box containing ONE stack of random consumables:
  1. A chance to get one of the exceptionally rare TCG mounts:

All items inside Landro's Gift Box are TCG exclusives, making this an opportunity to own items no longer obtainable through any other means. Here you can buy any number of these cards, potentially increasing your chances to obtain rare mounts and other rewards!

  • active WoW subscription;
  • no level requirements: Landro’s Gift Box is usable by any character, regardless of level.
How It Works
  1. Place your order by selecting the number of Landro's Gift cards you’d like and complete your order through our website.
  2. Once your order is placed, we will contact you via live chat or email to send you the Landro's Gift Box code that you can redeem to claim your loot in-game.
  3. You can activate your code on this page.
  4. Once you redeem the code, you will receive another code which will have to be redeemed inside the game itself. Simply travel to Booty Bay and talk to Landro Longshot to obtain your items. 
  5. Select the option called “Gate of Wrath”, enter your code, and enjoy the rewards! Open your WoW Landro’s Gift and enjoy the exclusive TCG items, with the potential for a rare mount or pet!

Landro's Gift Box - WoW TCG Loot

Landro's Gift is a card and an item introduced in the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game expansion, Wrathgate. By obtaining this box, players can open a trove of rewards that are otherwise unobtainable in modern WoW content.

The Gift Box can only be acquired by redeeming a rare Landro's Gift card from the TCG, and our boost service gives you the opportunity to get your hands on this otherwise unobtainable loot! No need to keep opening TCG packs in hopes of obtaining this specific card, when you can simply buy it directly instead.

Reasons to Buy Landro's Gift Loot Card Code

TCG Landro's Gift holds the potential to unlock some of the most coveted rewards in World of Warcraft, including the Spectral Tiger and other TCG-exclusive mounts. For collectors and mount enthusiasts, this is an excellent opportunity to add rare and prestigious items to your collection.

Simply buy Landro’s Gift Box code at Boosthive and forget about having to hunt down hard-to-find TCG loot cards. Jump straight into the excitement of opening your own Gift Box without stress! 

Our service is designed to provide you with a fast, hassle-free way to obtain these incredibly rare items without the frustration and randomness of opening WoW TCG card packs.

The highlight of Landro’s Gift is the small but real chance to receive TCG-exclusive mounts like the Reins of the Spectral Tiger. Since the cards aren’t produced anymore, these mounts become rarer and rarer with each passing day. For example, currently, only 3% of players have the Spectral Tiger in their possession. Not to mention that the price for WoW TCG packs is also going up and trying to find Landro’s Gift Box manually can result in huge spendings. We offer a solution by providing you with your desired card directly, with no RNG involved, and for a fair price!

In addition to mounts, you’ll also receive a variety of unique TCG items such as Sandbox Tiger, Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit, and the Path of Cenarius, each in stacks of 50. These consumables are fun, collectible, and only available via TCG.

If you have any questions before you buy Landro's Gift Box code, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via live chat or our Discord server. Our customer support team is available 24/7 and is always ready to provide their assistance. Make your World of Warcraft experience more fun and enjoyable with Boosthive today!