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WoW Classic Tier Sets

Tier Sets
Boost method
Execution options
Gear options


You will get you a set of gear depending on your choice

WoW Classic tier set boost is here to get powerful bonuses that enhance your performance in raids, dungeons, and PvP. Obtaining these sets requires players to farm specific raids, collect tokens, and often compete with others for limited loot drops.

We offer Classic tier sets for sale which will help you remove all the hassle and time commitment by securing your desired set efficiently and stress-free. Forget about endless raid farming, RNG frustrations, or loot disputes – our professional team handles everything, ensuring you get your tier set in the shortest time possible!

Start time: ~15 minutes | Boost takes: Flexible
What You Will Get
  1. Full tier set for your character.
  2. 66, 76 or 92 ilvl gear depending on tier set.
  3. Completion of various raids.
  4. Tons of reputation, gold and other loot obtained during the boost.
  • active World of Warcraft subscription;
  • level 60.

WoW Classic Tier Sets for Sale

Buy Classic tier sets and forget about having to go through this exhausting and time-intensive process yourself. Each piece often requires running specific raids multiple times, dealing with RNG for token or loot drops, and competing with other players for the same items. For players with limited time or those who want to avoid the frustration of loot rolls, this process can quickly become overwhelming. Our WoW Classic tier set boost takes care of all these challenges, ensuring you receive your desired gear without the grind.

Here at Boosthive, we offer Classic tier sets for sale, which is an ideal option for players looking to maximize their character’s potential quickly or those who simply want to enjoy Classic WoW without spending countless hours on raid schedules. By letting us handle the farming, you can focus on the aspects of the game you enjoy most, whether that’s PvE progression, PvP battles, or exploring Azeroth. With guaranteed results and a streamlined process, you’ll be fully geared and ready for any challenge Classic WoW has to offer.

How to Get Tier Sets in WoW Classic

Acquiring tier sets in Classic WoW requires dedication, as each set involves farming specific raids and meeting unique requirements. Here we have prepared a short list with some of the basic actions that players have to take in order to obtain each tier set in Classic WoW:

  1. Tier 1 Sets: Available from Molten Core starting in Phase 1. Individual pieces drop from raid bosses or trash mobs, while belts and bracers are Bind on Equip and can be traded or purchased from the Auction House.
  2. Tier 2 Sets: The headpiece drops from Onyxia in Onyxia’s Lair, and the legs drop from Ragnaros in Molten Core. Other pieces become available with the launch of Blackwing Lair in Phase 3.
  3. Tier 2.5 Sets: Found in the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) during Phase 5. Requires collecting tokens, idols, scarabs, and gaining a reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu faction.
  4. Tier 3 Sets: Obtained from Naxxramas in Phase 6. Bosses drop tokens that must be combined with other materials to craft each piece.

Each tier set offers powerful bonuses when wearing 3, 5, or 8 pieces, making them crucial for maximizing performance. However, the process involves significant time investment and coordination – if you want to receive a shortcut to any of the aforementioned sets you can simply buy Classic tier sets here at Boosthive and let us handle everything for you instead.

How to Buy WoW Classic Tier Sets

Want to buy Classic tier sets but are not sure about the specifics of this service? Here you can take a look at the steps required to make a purchase.

  1. Confirm your character meets the requirements and proceed to checkout.
  2. After purchase, we’ll contact you within 3 to 7 minutes to confirm the details.
  3. Our team will begin farming raids to obtain tier set gear or tokens until the full set for your character and spec is completed.
  4. You will be able to observe the boosting process via live streaming (with prior request), and we will notify you upon the completion of the service.
  5. Enjoy your rewards!

If you have questions or want to customize your order, our customer support team is available 24/7 via live chat or Discord. Skip the grind and obtain your desired tier set with just a couple of clicks here at Boosthive instead!