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WoW Classic Onyxia's Lair

Onyxia's Lair
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WoW Classic Onyxia’s Lair boost is the easiest way to complete this 40-man raid and get a chance to obtain epic raid gear, including Tier 2 helm! Skip the hassle of assembling a competent team and dealing with the raid's challenging mechanics. Our Classic Onyxia raid boosting service ensures a quick and efficient raid clear, saves you time, and eliminates the frustration of wipes, uncoordinated groups and loot drama!

Start time: ~15 minutes | Boost takes: ~7 days
What You Will Get
  1. Onyxia’s Lair Raid completion.
  2. Onyxia defeated.
  3. Chance to get Epic ilvl 71-76 raid gear and T2 Helm piece.
Loot options
  • Group Loot - standard loot distribution where you roll against other players. Loot is not guaranteed with this option;
  • Loot Priority - you're guaranteed to get any drops that are appropriate for your main spec.
Loot Options
  • Group loot — all loot is rolled between you and other clients in the group (up to four clients). Legendary items are not rolled;
  • Loot priority — you get all drops for your specialization, including your armor type, weapon and trinkets. Head of Onyxia is guaranteed with this option.
  • level 60;
  • Onyxia’s Lair Attunement completed.

Note: You can attune yourself to the raid with our Anniversary Classic Onyxia's Lair Attunement.

WoW Classic Onyxia's Lair Boost

Did you know that a lot of players have never even tried to complete the Onyxia’s Lair raid or tried and failed to do so? There are some good reasons for it:

  1. Preparation: Equipment is very important in Onyxia’s encounter, you’ll need to do some serious adjustments to get as much fire resistance as possible. There are also consumables to get for this endeavor and probably even some talent build tweaks to be made.
  2. Learning tactics: If you fail to do what Onyxia boss encounter requires in terms of the mechanics on all phases of the fight, you’ll be kicked from the raid group. And sometimes, even if you’ve read it all, it can not be easy to execute properly.
  3. Finding the raid team: This process may take even more time than the Onyxia raid itself, especially if this is your first time going into the raid. Every raid leader wants to get experienced players, but how can you get this experience without going into the raid for the first time?

To sum it all up, completing the Onyxia’s Lair raid in Classic is not something you can “just do”. It is a very serious content that can’t be taken lightly.

Our WoW Classic Onyxia's Lair boost takes care of all tough parts of raiding and might be your only chance to complete this raid.

Onyxia's Lair Raid Rewards

Top-tier content brings top-tier rewards. Let’s see what WoW Classic Onyxia boost can get you:

  1. 71-76 ilvl epic gear.
  2. Tier 2 Head gear.
  3. Class items.
  4. Head of Onyxia – a quest item for the 2-hour buff.
  5. Onyxia Hide Backpack – 20-slot bag.

How to Buy Classic Onyxia's Lair Raid Carry?

You want to buy WoW Classic Onyxia boost but are not entirely familiar with the process of it? No need to worry! We’ve made a simple and informative step-by-step description of how it will happen:

  1. Add the Onyxia’s Lair run to your cart.
  2. If you’re missing a required attunement – add it as well.
  3. Proceed to check out, finalize your payment and provide all required details – this service is completed via account sharing.
  4. Our manager will contact you in 3-7 minutes to confirm your order, check the details and schedule the boost.
  5. Our pro players will complete the WoW Classic Onyxia boost and will leave all of your rewards on the character.
  6. You will be notified as soon as the service has been completed.
  7. Enjoy the results!

Do not hesitate to ask any of your questions about Onyxia's Lair boost via the live-chat on the website or our Discord server. We have true 24/7 support and will be happy to assist you!

WoW Classic Onyxia’s Lair Carry FAQ

Here we have prepared answers for some of the more common questions regarding WoW Classic Onyxia raid carry.

What is Onyxia’s Lair in WoW Classic?

Onyxia’s Lair is a 40-man raid, which is a PvE end-game activity. Unlike other raids, it only features one single boss, Onyxia herself. And since it’s one of the hardest challenges you can face in WoW Classic, the rewards are just like you’d expect – very powerful and useful. If you don’t want to struggle, Onyxia's Lair carry is the best way to get to the rewards while skipping the tough part.

How to get to Onyxia’s Lair in WoW Classic?

Take the portal to Dalaran. In Dalaran, head west to the huge building. Find a portal to Caverns of Time up the stairs there. Then, from southern Kalimdor, you’ll be just one zone south of Onyxia's Lair, which is located in Dustwallow Marsh. But you can’t just enter it, you’ll need to get attuned to the raid first, that’s a requirement. The attunement process is something many players don’t really like. That’s why you can add Onyxia’s Lair attunement to your order and never worry about anything.

Is the Onyxia Raid hard in WoW Classic?

It is as tough as any other raid. Onyxia is a multi-phase boss encounter and still requires knowledge of all tactics. If you want to avoid any stress, just buy Onyxia's Lair carry – this is the only way to have a trouble-free completion of the raid.

How often can you do Onyxia's lair in WoW Classic?

Unlike some other raids, Onyxia’s Lair has a 5-day reset. You can check your reset in the calendar in the mini-map section of your interface.