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WoW Classic Gnomeregan

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Buy Gnomeregan dungeon carry and conquer this 6-bosses instance without the hassle of finding a group. This is perfect for players looking to efficiently level up between 26 and 38, complete quests, and secure unique loot without the grind. 

Our WoW Classic Gnomeregan boost takes care of the dungeon's challenging encounters and intricate layout, allowing you to enjoy smooth progress. Don't waste time with frustrating wipes or difficult fights – get the loot and experience you need fast and without stress!

Start time: ~15 minutes | Boost duration:
What You Will Get
  1. A full clear of Gnomeregan.
  2. A chance to get some gear and rare items.
  3. Tons of experience points to power up your leveling.
  • level 26+;
  • active WoW subscription.

WoW Classic Gnomeregan Boost

Dungeons in Classic WoW offer excellent rewards but often come with a hefty time investment. Gnomeregan, with its sprawling layout and challenging encounters, can be particularly time-consuming and overwhelming to navigate. By choosing our WoW Classic Gnomeregan boost, you can bypass these difficulties and get straight to the rewards.

Whether you're looking to save time while leveling, secure rare loot, or complete quests without the frustration of organizing a group, our Anniversary Classic Gnomeregan boost is the perfect solution. Let our experienced players handle the dungeon run while you enjoy the results stress-free.

Gnomeregan Dungeon Notable Loot

WoW Classic Gnomeregan isn’t just an opportunity for experience and quest completion; it’s also a treasure trove of valuable gear that can significantly enhance your character’s progression. Some of the notable loot you can get during the Gnomeregan dungeon run includes:

Item Name


Dropped By

Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator

Head (Cloth)

Mekgineer Thermaplugg


Two-Hand Staff

Viscous Fallout

Thermaplugg’s Central Core


Mekgineer Thermaplugg

Manual Crowd Pummeler

Two-Hand Mace

Crowd Pummeler 9-60

WoW Classic Gnomeregan Boost FAQ

Where is Gnomeregan located in Classic WoW?

Gnomeregan is located in the northeastern part of Dun Morogh. Its entrance is nestled in the mountains at coordinates 30.4, 74.7, near Kharanos. Alliance players have relatively easy access, while Horde players may face a treacherous journey through contested territory.

What level is Gnomeregan in Classic?

WoW Classic Gnomeregan is designed for players between levels 24 and 34. For an efficient and smooth run, most groups aim to enter at levels 26-30, as this ensures a balance between manageable encounters and optimal experience gains.

How many bosses are in Gnomeregan in WoW Classic?

There are 6 bosses in Gnomeregan. Here's the full list:

How WoW Classic Gnomeregan Boost Works

If you’re curious about how you can buy Gnomeregan dungeon carry and how it works, here’s a simple guide that will help you get started:

  1. Select your desired service and proceed to checkout.
  2. Our team will contact you via live chat or Discord within 3 to 7 minutes to confirm details and schedule your run.
  3. At the scheduled time, our professional players will securely log in using VPN services or invite you to join the group for the dungeon run.
  4. Once the boost is complete, you’ll be notified immediately.
  5. Enjoy the rewards!

With our WoW Classic Gnomeregan dungeon boost, you can enjoy all the loot, gear, and experience without the time sink or stress. Let Boosthive handle the grind while you focus on enjoying Classic WoW to the fullest. Our 24/7 support team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns.