Smoldering Ember Wyrm (Nightbane Mount)

Smoldering Ember Wyrm

Smoldering Ember Wyrm boost is run through the Return to Karazhan dungeon in mythic mode with the completion of the time-run that is required to open hidden boss - Nightbane and obtain the mount.

Nightbane mount is still available in 2022 and it drops with a 100% chance for a 5-ppl group if all group members are not saved this week in Karazhan.

WoW Smoldering Ember Wyrm carry includes:

Boost takes ~30 minutes.

Buying a Smoldering Ember Wyrm (SEW) you will get a group with a 100% fresh cooldown for the Karazhan. The boss drops only 1 mount for a group. In case it drops to one of our members, we will trade the reins to you.


  • 45 level character;
  • No gear requirements;
  • The fresh cooldown for the Return to Karazhan dungeon.

We don't ask your secret question, so your account will be protected from theft.

Smoldering Ember Wyrm