Feast of Winter Veil Achievements Boost

Feast of Winter Veil boost will help you get all achievements and rewards fast and easy during the Christmas and New Year celebration in WoW. This in-game holiday takes place in late December and provides various activities to look forward to. Boosthive offers to buy Feast of Winter Veil achievements so you don't miss anything important and get Merrymaker title.
Please note: Feast of Winter Veil will run from December 19 to January 5, don't miss the chance to get a unique achievement!
Start time: ~15 minutes | Boost takes: flexible
WoW Feast of Winter Veil carry rewards:
- Merrymaker:
- Merrymaker with 11 achievements;
- 120 achievement points;
- Merrymaker title;
- Custom Winter Veil achievements — chose the most challenging achievements from the list.
Winter Veil holiday has tons of vanity items, toys, and other rewards. If you have a custom request, feel free to contact us in online chat, discord, or skype. We are available 24/7 and always ready to make a custom offer for you.
- Level 60 character;
- Active Feast of Winter Veil event.
Winter Veil Achievements Boosting
The main purpose of the Feast of Winter Veil festival is to celebrate Christmas and New Year, loot in-game presents and toys and complete the huge meta-achievement. There are several reasons to get the Winter Veil boost.
- Buying it for the "Merrymaker" title.
- Complete all achievements.
- Get toys and other collectibles.
- Finish Feast of Winter Veil event for What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been.
Apart from the Winter Veil transmogrification and a Lump of Coal pet, there are over 23 collectible toys available during this festival. Most of them can drop from the Stolen Present that is rewarded for Greench daily quests.
However, flying to Alterac and killing Greench on multiple characters every day might take a lot of your gaming time. We understand that it might be difficult to cope with other interesting in-game activities during the event. No worries, Boosthive got you covered!
Buying Feast of Winter Veil achievements and activities will allow you to skip the boring parts of the festival, but still enjoy your new presents, toys, and other rewards. Feel free to contact our 24/7 available managers about our Winter Veil offers and other WoW-related questions.