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Сataclysm Tier Sets

Cataclysm Classic Tier Sets
Boost method
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Cataclysm Tier 12 boost is the easiest way to get new class tier sets from raids in Phase 3 of Classic Cataclysm. Raids are the hardest activity in the game, but they also have the best PvE gear. Boosthive team will help you acquire all 4 pieces of Cataclysm Classic Tier Set. Buy Cataclysm Tier Sets from us and run to enjoy the game in its full potential.

Cata Classic tier Set provides strong bonuses for each class and spec. Some Cataclysm Classic Tier Sets increase character power by as much as 50% and are necessary for comfortable gaming. That's why you can buy our Cataclysm Classic Tier Sets boosting service to avoid long and often unsuccessful runs for set pieces.

Start time: 1 days | Boost takes: 3-4 weeks
Cataclysm Tier 12 boost rewards:
  1. Full Tier 12 set (379 ilvl or 391 ilvl) obtained.
    • Tier 11 available with 359 ilvl or 372 ilvl gear sets.
  2. Some raid achievements unlocked.
  3. Gold and other items received during the run.
  • Level 85;
  • Service is piloted.
How it works:
  • Finalize your order and proceed to the checkout;
  • We will contact you within 4-7 minutes to set everything up ready for the boost;
  • The service will start shortly after;
  • We will farm the necessary amount of valor and items to complete your order;
  • Enjoy your tier sets.

Cataclysm Classic Tier Set Tokens Drop from Bosses

Tier 12 Bosses

In World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic, Tier 12 tokens are dropped by key bosses in the Firelands raid. Here’s the list of Firelands bosses that provide specific Tier 12 set tokens:

  • Helm – Ragnaros;
  • Shoulders – Majordomo Staghelm;
  • Chest – Alysrazor;
  • Gloves – Baleroc;
  • Legs – Shanno.

Our boosting team can help you target these specific bosses if you’re focused on completing your Tier 12 set. This service is especially useful for players with limited time or those new to WoW Cataclysm Classic, offering an efficient way to gear up without the challenges of forming raid groups.

There are many bosses in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic and not all of them drop set tokens, here is a list of some of those bosses. These are bosses not only from Blackwing Descent, but also from Bastion of Twilight.

Tier 11 Bosses

For Tier 11 tokens, you’ll find several bosses across Blackwing Descent and Bastion of Twilight that drop the tokens you need. Here’s a list of Tier 11 bosses:

You can choose only the bosses you want, and our team will ensure that your boost includes the specific tokens you’re after. With over 10 years of experience, our pro players will complete your order quickly and effectively. Don’t forget to check the minimum requirements before buying the Cataclysm Tier Sets boost.

If you have any questions about purchasing the Сataclysm Сlassic tier sets boost, please contact our customer support. You can contact them online, Skype, or Discord. Our team is available 24/7 and ready to assist you.