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Raid-Ready Pack

Phase 3 Ready Raider Pack
Boost Method

Cataclysm Classic raids offer the most challenging end-game content in WoW, requiring both high-level skill and 365 ilvl gear to succeed. With our Raid-Ready Pack, skip the grind and dive right into the action with a character fully geared and prepped for any raid difficulty. Our professional team will handle all the prep work, so you’re raid-ready from the start!

Start time: scheduled | Boost takes: flexible
You will get
  1. Complete 365 average ilvl gear set tailored to your character
  2. 4 pieces of Tier 11 gear at 359 ilvl, acquired with Justice Points
  3. Character boosted to level 85 (optional)
  4. Full set of optimal enchants and gems applied to your gear
  5. Enchants for head and shoulders included
  6. Stats reforged for peak performance
  7. All Heroic+ dungeons completed
Additional options
  • Stream — Our booster will broadcast live and you will be able to follow the boosting process online;
  • Self-remote — Booster will remotely control your character on your PC without having to share login details.

Note that equipment and reputations will be chosen based on your current class and spec, so if you want them on a different spec, please specify that.

  • level 85;
  • active WoW subscription.
How it Works
  1. Select boosting options and proceed to the checkout;
  2. We will contact you within 3 to 7 minutes of your purchase;
  3. We will schedule the Raid-Ready Pack boost at a convenient time for you;
  4. At the scheduled time your boost will begin;
  5. When all is completed, you will be notified;
  6. Enjoy your new, raid-ready character!

If you have any questions regarding Raid-Ready Pack or want to add something extra to your order – don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly. You can contact us via Discord or live chat right here on the website. Our customer service team is available 24/7 (even during holidays!) to ensure that you can get the assistance you need at any time. Forget about the monotonous grind and jump straight into the endgame with Boosthive today!