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Cata Classic Glory of the Firelands Raider

Glory of the Firelands Raider
Boost Method
Execution options

Cata Classic Glory of the Firelands Raider boost is a full run through the Heroic version of Firelands, completing all 12 requirements needed for this meta-achievement. Completing this glory achievement rewards players with a prestigious mount – Corrupted Egg of Millagazor.

Heroic Firelands requires a strong group even to just clear the raid normally but some of the specific glory achievements require an even more coordinated effort to complete. This is exactly where our Classic Glory of the Firelands Raider achievement boost comes to the rescue!

Start time: Scheduled Runs | Boost takes: up to 27 days
What You Will Get
  1. Glory of the Firelands Raider meta-achievement.
  2. Corrupted Egg of Millagazor epic flying mount.
  3. 145 achievement points.
  4. A chance to get Flametalon of Alysrazor and/or Smoldering Egg of Millagazor.
  • level 85;
  • fresh cooldown for the Firelands raid.

The live stream of the entire run is available as an additional option if you request it before the start of the boost.

Classic Glory of the Firelands Raider Boost

WoW Classic Firelands Raider boost includes completion of all required achievements and the Corrupted Egg of Millagazor. 

Cataclysm Classic Glory of the Firelands Raider criteria:

Heroic: Beth'tilac

Heroic: Lord Rhyolith

Heroic: Shannox

Heroic: Alysrazor

Heroic: Baleroc

Heroic: Majordomo Fandral Staghelm

Death from Above

Not an Ambi-Turner

Do a Barrel Roll!

Bucket List

Share the Pain

Only the Penitent...

Many of these achievements require unusual tactics and teamwork, making it tough to find a coordinated group in Cataclysm Classic. Doing this with random players is nearly impossible and can lead to very frustrating experiences.

Our Cata Classic Glory of the Firelands Raider boost guarantees a hassle-free experience, saving you countless hours of failed attempts, miscommunication, and coordination issues. Plus, you won’t have to worry about mechanics or achievement-specific tactics – our experts handle everything, ensuring completion of every achievement while you enjoy the journey.

How to Buy Cata Classic Glory of the Firelands Raider

You might be wondering how our WoW Classic Firelands Raider boost works. Here is a full step-by-step breakdown of the entire procedure that will help you to make a purchase.

  1. Select your desired options and proceed to the checkout to purchase.
  2. Our team will reach out via live chat or Discord within 3 to 7 minutes to discuss the details and schedule your Cata Classic Glory of the Firelands Raider boost.
  3. At the scheduled time, our professional players will take control of your character by using all the necessary security precautions such as VPN services to clear Firelands Heroic raid and complete all the required achievements along the way.
  4. We will notify you upon the service completion.
  5. Enjoy your rewards!

If you have any questions about the service or want to add something extra to it – don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact our customer support via Discord, Skype, or online chat 24/7. Get your Cataclysm Classic Fireland Raid achievement and mount today with Boosthive!